Which of the following can suffer from congestion?
Correct Answer(s)
A. City streets
B. A theater lobby
D. The passages in one's nose
Congestion refers to a condition where there is excessive crowding or blockage in a particular area. City streets can suffer from congestion when there is heavy traffic, causing delays and slow movement of vehicles. A theater lobby can also suffer from congestion during peak times when there is a large number of people trying to enter or exit the theater. Similarly, the passages in one's nose can suffer from congestion when there is a cold or allergies, causing difficulty in breathing due to blockage.
Which of the following can be initiated?
Correct Answer(s)
A. A new member
B. A new project
C. A new rule
All of the options listed can be initiated. A new member can be initiated by joining a group or organization. A new project can be initiated by starting a new task or undertaking. A new rule can be initiated by implementing a new regulation or guideline. A new year can be initiated by the beginning of a new calendar year.
Which of the following can throng?
Correct Answer(s)
C. A flock of seagulls
D. A crowd of people
The word "throng" means to gather or crowd together in large numbers. Both a flock of seagulls and a crowd of people can gather or crowd together in large numbers, so they can both throng.
Which of the following often result in casualties?
Correct Answer(s)
A. A plane crash
C. A war
D. An earthquake
Plane crashes, wars, and earthquakes often result in casualties because they involve high levels of destruction, danger, and loss of life. A plane crash can lead to fatalities due to the impact and destruction of the aircraft. Wars involve armed conflicts and can result in casualties from combat, bombings, and other forms of violence. Earthquakes can cause buildings to collapse, landslides, and tsunamis, leading to injuries and deaths.
Which of the following can smolder?
Correct Answer(s)
A. A fire
B. Anger
C. Resentment
Smoldering refers to a slow, burning process that produces smoke and heat without a flame. A fire can smolder when it lacks oxygen to sustain a flame. Similarly, anger and resentment can be described as smoldering emotions, as they can be present within a person without being openly expressed or resolved. However, a flood cannot smolder as it is a rapid and overwhelming flow of water.
Which of the following can be lax?
Correct Answer(s)
B. A fishing line
C. Supervision
D. Rules
The items that can be lax are a fishing line, supervision, and rules. Laxness refers to a relaxed or lenient approach, and these items can all be subject to varying levels of leniency or relaxation. A fishing line can be lax in terms of its tension or strictness. Supervision can be lax if it is not closely or strictly enforced. Rules can be lax if they are not strictly followed or enforced.
Which of the following could hurtle through the air?
Correct Answer(s)
A. A jet fighter
B. A baseball
C. A falling rock
A jet fighter, a baseball, and a falling rock are all capable of hurtling through the air because they possess sufficient speed and momentum. A jet fighter is designed to fly at high speeds and can travel through the air at incredible velocities. A baseball can be thrown or hit with force, allowing it to travel through the air. Similarly, a falling rock can be propelled through the air due to the force of gravity. On the other hand, a snowflake is too light and delicate to hurtle through the air as it is easily influenced by air currents and tends to fall slowly.
Which of the following is inevitable?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Growing older
D. Change in our daily lives
Growing older and change in our daily lives are both inevitable processes that occur naturally over time. As time passes, everyone will inevitably grow older, experiencing physical and mental changes associated with aging. Similarly, change is a constant in life, and our daily lives will inevitably undergo various transformations, whether it be due to personal choices, societal changes, or external factors. Both growing older and change in our daily lives are universal experiences that are unavoidable.