Aphrodite was married to which god?
Correct Answer
B. HepHaestus
Aphrodite was married to the Greek god Hephaestus.
Who gave Midas his power to turn everything he touched into gold?
Correct Answer
A. Dionysus
The god Dionysus gave Midas the power to turn everything he touched into gold, because he had helped Dionysus's teacher Silenus
What were the lesser goddesses that guarded nature called?
Correct Answer
A. NympHs
There were several groups of minor divinities in Greek mythology. Beautiful lesser goddesses called nymphs guarded various parts of nature.
The famous hero, Jason led a band of sailors called the _______ on a search for the Golden Fleece.
Correct Answer
A. Argonauts
Jason led a band of heroes called the Argonauts on a search for the fabulous Golden Fleece, the pure gold wool of a sacred ram.
What did Eris inscribe "To the fairest" as a gift that set off a quarrel between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite?
Correct Answer
A. Apple
Apple of Discord, in Greek mythology, was a gift from Eris, goddess of discord. When Peleus, the king of Phthia in Thessalus, married Thetis, a sea goddess, only Eris, among all the gods and goddesses, was not invited to the wedding feast. Eris was offended and tried to stir up trouble among the guests at the feast. She sent a golden apple inscribed "To the fairest." Three goddesses—Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite—each claimed the apple, and a quarrel began.
Which part of Achilles' body is said to NOT have immortal protection?
Correct Answer
C. Heel
Achilles was the son of Peleus, the king of Phthia in Thessaly, and Thetis, an immortal sea nymph. Soon after Achilles was born, Thetis dipped him in the River Styx, whose water would make him invulnerable, like a god. However, the immortalizing water did not touch the heel by which Thetis held him. According to some stories, Hector's brother Paris shot an arrow into Achilles's heel, and Achilles died from the wound.
Who was the goddess of arts and crafts?
Correct Answer
A. Athena
Athena in Greek mythology, was the goddess of warfare, wisdom, and arts and crafts. She also was the patron goddess of Athens
In Greek mythology, Pandora is ___________.
Correct Answer
C. Both of the above
Pandora, Play this Pronunciation. «pan DAWR uh», in Greek mythology, was the first woman. Zeus, the king of the gods, ordered Pandora created as a punishment for men. Zeus was angry because men had received fire stolen from the gods by Prometheus (see Prometheus). Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the gods, to create Pandora. The gods and goddesses then adorned her with many gifts to make her alluring. The name Pandora means all gifts in Greek.
Which legendary monster had 100 eyes?
Correct Answer
A. Argus
Argus was a gigantic monster in Greek mythology. He had 100 eyes and was called Panoptes, which means all-seeing.
In Greek Mythology, the phoenix is always a male.
Correct Answer
A. True
Phoenix was a fabled bird in Greek mythology. Only one such bird existed at any time, and it was always male. It had brilliant gold and reddish-purple feathers, and was as large or larger than an eagle.