Year 7 Science Semester Two

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Year 7 Science Semester Two - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    The most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere making up roughly 79% of the total volume of gas is...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Nitrogen
    Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere, making up approximately 79% of the total volume of gas. It is an essential component for the survival of many organisms and plays a crucial role in various biological and chemical processes. Oxygen, although important for supporting life, is present in a lesser amount compared to nitrogen. Argon and krypton are present in trace amounts and do not contribute significantly to the Earth's atmosphere.

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  • 2. 

    Air pressure is defined as the amount of "push" of air particles on a set area of space. It is important that we can adequately measure air pressure to ascertain appropriate information about our environment and what is happening around us.Air pressure is measured using a device called a...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Barometer
    Air pressure is defined as the amount of "push" of air particles on a set area of space. To measure air pressure accurately, a device called a barometer is used. A barometer works by measuring the atmospheric pressure exerted by the weight of the air above it. It typically consists of a glass tube filled with mercury or a liquid, with one end closed and the other end open. As the air pressure changes, it causes the liquid in the tube to rise or fall, providing a measurement of the pressure. Therefore, a barometer is the correct device for measuring air pressure.

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  • 3. 

    A sudden drop in barometric pressure indicates that...

    • A.

      Warm weather is on its way, categorized by calm winds

    • B.

      It is cold and wet

    • C.

      Very unsettled weather is approaching. Categorized by strong winds and rain.

    • D.

      It is cold and wet but warm calm weather is approaching.

    Correct Answer
    C. Very unsettled weather is approaching. Categorized by strong winds and rain.
    A sudden drop in barometric pressure indicates that very unsettled weather is approaching, characterized by strong winds and rain. Barometric pressure is a measure of the weight of the atmosphere above a specific location. When the pressure drops rapidly, it usually means that a low-pressure system is moving in, which is often associated with stormy weather. The drop in pressure indicates that the air is rising and condensing, leading to the formation of clouds and precipitation. The strong winds and rain are typical of unsettled weather conditions.

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  • 4. 

    Magnetism is a force of nature. Check all the boxes that correspond to the force of Magnetism

    • A.

      Only pulls objects towards each other.

    • B.

      Only acts on certain materials

    • C.

      Only acts over a small distance

    • D.

      Strength depends on many things including size and shape.

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Only acts on certain materials
    C. Only acts over a small distance
    D. Strength depends on many things including size and shape.
    Magnetism only acts on metallic objects over a short distance.

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  • 5. 

    Gravity is a force that hold planets in orbit. It is also the reason that our atmosphere and ourselves do not float off into space. Gravity can be defined as...Check all boxes that correspond to the correct answers

    • A.

      A force that attracts and repels

    • B.

      Has a stronger force on smaller objects

    • C.

      Acts on all objects

    • D.

      Can act over very large distances (many millions of kilometers)

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Acts on all objects
    D. Can act over very large distances (many millions of kilometers)
    Magnetism has a stronger force on larger objects.
    Magnetism only attracts (magnets can repel)

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  • 6. 

    Everything is made of the smallest of building blocks called atoms. The molecule C6H12O6 is...

    • A.

      6 carbon atoms and 12 water molecules

    • B.

      6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen atoms

    • C.

      6 chlorine atoms, 12 helium atoms and 6 oxygen atoms

    • D.

      Is starch

    Correct Answer
    B. 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and 6 oxygen atoms
    The molecule C6H12O6 is composed of 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms. This can be determined by the chemical formula C6H12O6, which indicates the number and type of atoms present in the molecule.

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  • 7. 

    The chemical equation below  represents what reaction?

    • A.


    • B.

      Cellular respiration

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. pHotosynthesis
    The chemical equation given in the question is commonly known as the photosynthesis equation. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen. This equation represents the reaction that occurs during photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide and water are converted into glucose and oxygen with the help of sunlight and chlorophyll.

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  • 8. 

    When Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is bubbled through a liquid, the liquid turns a milky white colour. This is due to the precipitation of "chalk" residue, due to the reaction with the carbon dioxide. This test is know more commonly as the ...

    • A.

      Taper test

    • B.

      Reaction Test

    • C.

      Pressure test

    • D.

      Limewater test

    Correct Answer
    D. Limewater test
    When carbon dioxide is bubbled through a liquid, it reacts with the liquid to form a white precipitate called chalk residue. This reaction occurs when carbon dioxide reacts with calcium hydroxide in the liquid, forming calcium carbonate, which is insoluble and appears as a milky white color. This test is commonly known as the limewater test because it involves using limewater, which is a solution of calcium hydroxide, to detect the presence of carbon dioxide.

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  • 9. 

    During some types of reactions, oxygen gas (O2) can sometimes be created. To understand if the gas produced is in fact oxygen, scientists need to perform tests to check if they are correct. The test used to check for the presence of oxygen gas is...

    • A.

      Taper test

    • B.

      Reaction test

    • C.

      Pressure test

    • D.

      Limewater test

    Correct Answer
    A. Taper test
    The taper test is used to check for the presence of oxygen gas. In this test, a glowing taper (a thin strip of wood or paper) is brought near the gas being tested. If the gas is oxygen, the taper will reignite and burn more vigorously. This is because oxygen supports combustion and helps in the burning process. Therefore, by observing the behavior of the taper, scientists can determine if the gas produced during a reaction is indeed oxygen.

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  • 10. 

    A can is heated on a stove until the small amount of water inside it has started to evaporate. At this point, the can is inverted and placed in a tub of cold water. It is observed that the can quickly implodes and ends up being crushed. This is due to...

    • A.

      The high pressure in the can drawing in water

    • B.

      The high pressure of the atmosphere crushing the weakened can

    • C.

      The low pressure inside the can exerting too much force.

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. The high pressure of the atmospHere crushing the weakened can
    When the can is heated on a stove, the water inside it starts to evaporate, creating steam. As the steam is trapped inside the can, it increases the pressure inside the can. When the can is inverted and placed in cold water, the steam rapidly condenses back into water, causing a decrease in pressure inside the can. The pressure outside the can, which is the atmospheric pressure, remains high. This difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the can causes the can to implode and be crushed. Therefore, the correct answer is "The high pressure of the atmosphere crushing the weakened can."

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  • 11. 

    As a man is barbecuing outside in the rain. As the rain gets heavier he decides to bring his propane gas cylinder next to the barbecue. As he dashes inside to grab some tongs he hears an almighty bang outside. As he looks out the window he can see a large fireball erupt into the air. Explain what has happened.

    • A.

      The rain on the metal cylinder has rusted part of the cylinder. This means it is weaker and therefore cannot hold sufficient pressure anymore.

    • B.

      As the man drew the cylinder next to the barbecue it has increased in temperature. This has caused the space between the gas in the cylinder to expand leading to an explosion.

    • C.

      As the gas is being used by the barbecue it is leading to a low pressure environment inside the cylinder leading to an implosion.

    Correct Answer
    B. As the man drew the cylinder next to the barbecue it has increased in temperature. This has caused the space between the gas in the cylinder to expand leading to an explosion.
    The increase in temperature caused by drawing the cylinder next to the barbecue leads to an increase in pressure inside the cylinder. This increase in pressure causes the gas in the cylinder to expand, resulting in an explosion.

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  • 12. 

    In reference to the diagram below...

    • A.

      A = condensation, b = solidification, c = sublimation

    • B.

      A = sublimation, b = condensation, c = melting

    • C.

      A = sublimation, b = evaporation, c = freezing

    • D.

      A = sublimation, b = condensation, c = solidification

    Correct Answer
    D. A = sublimation, b = condensation, c = solidification
    The diagram represents the different phase changes of a substance. Sublimation is the process in which a substance changes directly from a solid to a gas without going through the liquid phase. Condensation is the process in which a gas changes into a liquid. Solidification is the process in which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid. Therefore, the correct answer is a = sublimation, b = condensation, c = solidification.

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  • 13. 

    Sulphuric Acid is added to the left hand beaker (1) of sugar. A change occurs in which the sugar starts to bubble and a sweet smell can be detected (2). The white sugar now changes to a dark black "carbon" colour (3). An explanation to this is...

    • A.

      It is a physical change because the sugar has dissolved into the sulphuric acid

    • B.

      It is a physical change because the sugar has changed into carbon.

    • C.

      It is a chemical change because the sugar has been dissolved into the sulphuric acid.

    • D.

      It is a chemical change because the sugar has changed into carbon.

    Correct Answer
    D. It is a chemical change because the sugar has changed into carbon.
    The correct answer is that it is a chemical change because the sugar has changed into carbon. When sulphuric acid is added to sugar, a chemical reaction called dehydration occurs. This reaction breaks down the sugar molecules, releasing water and leaving behind a carbon residue. The change in color from white to dark black indicates a chemical transformation, rather than a simple dissolution. Additionally, the sweet smell suggests the formation of new compounds. Therefore, this is a chemical change rather than a physical change.

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  • 14. 

    After studying this graph of air pressure and height above sea level (altitude) it can be concluded that...

    • A.

      As the height of the graph increases, it increases at the same time as the altitude. Therefore as height increases, pressure increases.

    • B.

      As the height of the graph increases the pressure of the graph decreases. It can therefore as height increases, pressure decreases.

    • C.

      As the height of the graph decreases, the pressure also decreases.

    • D.

      None of the above answers are close to being correct.

    Correct Answer
    B. As the height of the grapH increases the pressure of the grapH decreases. It can therefore as height increases, pressure decreases.
    The correct answer suggests that as the height (altitude) increases, the pressure decreases. This conclusion is drawn from studying the graph of air pressure and altitude. The graph shows a negative correlation between height and pressure, indicating that as the altitude increases, the pressure decreases. Therefore, the correct answer accurately interprets the relationship between height and pressure based on the given graph.

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  • 15. 

    A student is conducting an experiment in a science lab. He wants to find out whether different gases heat up at different rates. To achieve this, he has two conical flasks: - one with carbon dioxide and - one with pure air. He heats both of the flask up with the same heat source.The independent variable of this experiment is...

    • A.

      The apparatus

    • B.

      The gases

    • C.

      The time

    • D.

      The heat

    Correct Answer
    B. The gases
    An independent variable is what is being changed. In this prac the student is changing the gases to understand which heats up quicker.

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  • 16. 

    The kinetic theory states that all matter is made up of small particles that move.Select the answer below that is incorrect, in reference to the above picture.

    • A.

      Solids move more than liquids because their particles are closer together.

    • B.

      As a solid melts it must be gaining energy as it's particles move further apart.

    • C.

      The particles in a gas have so much energy that the bond between adjacent particles are broken.

    • D.

      As a liquid cools, it loses energy so the particles come closer together and move less.

    Correct Answer
    A. Solids move more than liquids because their particles are closer together.
    The correct answer is "Solids move more than liquids because their particles are closer together." This statement is incorrect because in reality, solids have particles that are tightly packed together and have limited movement compared to liquids.

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  • 17. 

    An implosion occurs when the air pressure outside an object is significantly greater than the air pressure inside the object.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    An implosion occurs when the air pressure outside an object is significantly greater than the air pressure inside the object. This is because the higher external pressure causes the object to collapse inwardly, resulting in an implosion.

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  • 18. 

    A gun works by a small pin hitting the base of a bullet. By doing this it makes the gun powder quickly change from a solid into a gas. How does this enable the gun to shoot a bullet at high speed?

    • A.

      As the solid turns into a gas, the gas takes up more room than the solid creating an area of low pressure. The bullet is therefore "sucked" out of the gun and the atmospheric air is trying to get inside the gun.

    • B.

      As the solid turns into a gas, the gas takes up more room than the solid creating an area of low pressure. The bullet is therefore forced out of the gun as the gas wants to get from an area of high to low pressure.

    • C.

      The hammer hits the bullet with such force that the bullet is propelled out of the gun

    • D.

      None of these answers are correct.

    Correct Answer
    B. As the solid turns into a gas, the gas takes up more room than the solid creating an area of low pressure. The bullet is therefore forced out of the gun as the gas wants to get from an area of high to low pressure.
    When the gun powder quickly changes from a solid into a gas, it creates an area of low pressure as the gas takes up more room than the solid. This difference in pressure causes the bullet to be forced out of the gun, as the gas wants to move from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.

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  • 19. 

    A weather balloon is used to help forecast the weather. It is generally made up of a semi-deflated balloon attached to a transmitting device.Choose the statements that are correct (THERE MAY BE MORE THAN ONE)

    • A.

      The balloon starts out semi-deflated so it wont rise too quickly.

    • B.

      If the weather balloon started out fully inflated it would pop before achieving a great height.

    • C.

      A weather balloon starts out semi deflated because as it climbs in the air there is less pressure so the balloon will expand.

    • D.

      The balloon starts out semi-deflated so it will rise quickly.

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. If the weather balloon started out fully inflated it would pop before achieving a great height.
    C. A weather balloon starts out semi deflated because as it climbs in the air there is less pressure so the balloon will expand.
    The correct answers are:
    1. If the weather balloon started out fully inflated it would pop before achieving a great height.
    2. A weather balloon starts out semi-deflated because as it climbs in the air there is less pressure so the balloon will expand.

    The first statement is correct because if the weather balloon is fully inflated, the increasing atmospheric pressure as it rises would cause the balloon to burst before reaching a significant height.

    The second statement is correct because as the weather balloon ascends, the atmospheric pressure decreases, causing the balloon to expand. Starting with a semi-deflated balloon allows for this expansion without bursting.

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  • 20. 

    By definition a vacuum is an area of space that is completely lacking in any particles of any kind - there is nothing there (like outer space).Select all the other statements that are true about vacuums (there may be more than one)

    • A.

      The pressure in a vacuum is zero (or very close to zero).

    • B.

      Sound can be heard for a long distance in a vacuum as there is no resistance.

    • C.

      Air will rush into a vacuum as it is an area of very low pressure.

    • D.

      A vacuum can be made in a lab with the aid of a vacuum pump.

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. The pressure in a vacuum is zero (or very close to zero).
    C. Air will rush into a vacuum as it is an area of very low pressure.
    D. A vacuum can be made in a lab with the aid of a vacuum pump.
    A vacuum is an area devoid of any particles, so the pressure in a vacuum is zero or close to zero. Air will rush into a vacuum because it is an area of very low pressure. A vacuum can be created in a laboratory using a vacuum pump.

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  • 21. 

    This is a program that a student has made using Robolab. The student successfully downloads it to the RCX.When the "run" button is pressed what will the student see happen.

    • A.

      Nothing. There is a flaw in the programming

    • B.

      The RCX will go forward at speed 3 for 2 seconds, then turn right sharply for 2 seconds before stopping

    • C.

      The RCX will go forward at speed 3 for 2 seconds, then turn right sharply for 2 seconds and will repeat this twice.

    • D.

      The RCX will go forward at speed 3 for 2 seconds, then turn right sharply for 2 seconds but will not stop as there is an ABC stop missing.

    Correct Answer
    C. The RCX will go forward at speed 3 for 2 seconds, then turn right sharply for 2 seconds and will repeat this twice.
    The program that the student has made will cause the RCX to go forward at speed 3 for 2 seconds, then turn right sharply for 2 seconds. This sequence will be repeated twice, resulting in the RCX performing the same movements a total of two times.

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  • 22. 

    In robotics, an RCX is...

    • A.

      A small black "Sending tower" connected by USB

    • B.

      A yellow programmable robot

    • C.

      The program used for creating robotic functions

    Correct Answer
    B. A yellow programmable robot
    The correct answer is A yellow programmable robot. This is because an RCX is a type of robot that is programmable and can be controlled to perform various functions. It is specifically described as yellow in color, distinguishing it from other types of robots. The other options mentioned, such as a small black "Sending tower" connected by USB or a program used for creating robotic functions, do not accurately describe what an RCX is in the context of robotics.

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  • 23. 

    The PIGIBAAC system in science is used as a way of exploring ideas and solving problems

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The PIGIBAAC system in science refers to the process of exploring ideas and solving problems. It stands for Problem, Information, Generate Hypothesis, Investigate, Analyze Data, Apply Conclusion. This system provides a structured approach for scientists to follow when conducting experiments or investigations. By using the PIGIBAAC system, scientists can effectively explore and test ideas, gather and analyze data, and draw conclusions based on evidence. Therefore, the statement "The PIGIBAAC system in science is used as a way of exploring ideas and solving problems" is true.

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  • 24. 

    The symbols in robotics

    • A.

      Create a right hand then a left hand turn to aid in making a square

    • B.

      Create a left hand then a right hand turn to aid in making a square

    • C.

      Make a square.

    • D.

      Is a repeat function used to repeat often used functions.

    Correct Answer
    D. Is a repeat function used to repeat often used functions.
    The correct answer is "Is a repeat function used to repeat often used functions." This answer accurately describes the purpose of a repeat function in robotics. A repeat function allows for the repetition of frequently used functions, which can be helpful in programming tasks such as making a square. It eliminates the need to manually repeat the same set of instructions multiple times, making the code more efficient and concise.

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  • 25. 

    A student wishing to make this right hand spin should

    • A.

      Set Motor A forward, power level 5. Motor C backwards, power level 5.

    • B.

      Set Motor A forward, power level 5. Motor C backwards, power level 3.

    • C.

      Set Motor C forward, power level 5. Motor A backwards, power level 5.

    • D.

      Set Motor C forward, power level 5. Motor A backwards, power level 3.

    Correct Answer
    A. Set Motor A forward, power level 5. Motor C backwards, power level 5.
    The correct answer is to set Motor A forward, power level 5, and Motor C backwards, power level 5. This configuration will cause Motor A to spin in the clockwise direction (right-hand spin) at a higher power level, while Motor C spins in the counterclockwise direction at the same power level. This combination of opposite directions and equal power levels will result in a right-hand spin.

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