
100 Cupboards Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Children today have seemingly millions of high tech toys to play with, yet nothing generates more excitement than a beautifully written children's fantasy book like 100 Cupboards. It's a story that every child with a vivid imagination has thought of - what if something in their house is magical, and can take them to a new world? For Henry P. York, his cupboards can do exactly that, with amazing results.
Did you love reading this as a child, or to your children? Show how much you love the book by taking our 100 Cupboards quizzes. Which author wrote 100 Cupboards? In which year was it first printed? Why does Henry have to live with his Aunt and Uncle? We have 100 questions, but can you supply 100 right answers?

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Do you love the 100 cupboards? 

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 272   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    In which country was Henry's parents abducted?
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