
A Fish Called Wanda Quizzes, Questions & Answers

“A Fish Called Wanda” is a film from the 80s, about a group of four people from different backgrounds with different ideas on how to commit an armed robbery in order to complete a jewel heist. Something goes wrong along the way, however, and the heist does not go as planned. Do you know what happens? If so, you will do great at these quizzes!
This popular comedy film features famous comedian John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis and Kevin Kline. Do you know who directed the film? Which stars helped write and direct the film? Who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor? What happened to the jewels in the end? If you enjoyed the movie and you’re a fan, then take these quizzes to find out how much you really know about “A Fish Called Wanda.”

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So you enjoyed the fun comedy heist A Fish Called Wanda and wondered which character you could really play if you wanted to, this quiz is for you. Pick from the options the ones that best suit you and let us tell you which...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 111   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2022
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    Pick a favorite dressing
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Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer and ranking high in the British film of the 20th century list, A Fish Called Wanda was a box office hit and has become a classic. Answer questions about the production and awards of this fun movie...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 183   |  Last updated: Mar 15, 2023
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    How much did this movie make in the box office?
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A comedy heist film shot in the summer in London, A Fish Called Wanda is full of crosses, double crosses, diamonds and laughs. We hope you have as much fun answering this quiz based on the plot of A Fish Called Wanda.

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 172   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
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    What character is an animal lover with a stutter?
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