
A Rose For Emily Quizzes, Questions & Answers

The first half of the twentieth century really saw the United States claim the crown as the premier producer of classic literature. Just think of all the legendary names: Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Steinbeck, and Faulkner. A Rose For Emily was the first story published from the pen of legendary writer William Faulkner, and to some people it's still the best. If you're a fan of all things Faulkner, then you should score highly in our A Rose For Emily quizzes.

Can you name the magazine that first published A Rose For Emily? What is the surname of the eponymous Emily? What does Emily buy from the drug store? It's a beautiful and moving book, and we have a host of questions waiting to be answered about it.

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"A Rose For Emily" is a fiction novel by American author W. Faulkner about fictional characters published in 1930 about the funeral of Emily Grierson. The quiz will gauge how much you know about the story. The story had...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 6932   |  Last updated: Jan 17, 2024
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    Who is this?
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A Rose For Emily is divided into five sections and takes us through the life of the main character using a series of flashbacks and more. We follow the story from her life with her father to her life after him and even up to her...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 536   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Where did the entire town attend the funeral of Emily Grierson?
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A story told in series of flashbacks and stretching over decades, A Rose For Emily discusses many dark themes that characterize the old south. This quiz contains general questions about the novel and its history. Click start to...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 200   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What is the nationality of the author of A Rose For Emily?
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A short story written by William Faulkner and first published in 1930, which of the characters from A Rose For Emily is like you? Answer the questions in this quiz and let us guess. You can be a Mr Grierson, Emily, Homer or even...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 72   |  Last updated: Mar 16, 2022
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    Choose an occupation
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