
Ahsoka Tano Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Do you consider yourself to be a Star Wars fan? If you answer yes, then there is a very big possibility that you are familiar with who Ahsoka Tano. This character may not be the best-known character in Star Wars but real fans of the series would know her among all the other Togruta females that are available. There are some speculations about whether she died after she fought with Darth Vader because of the scene wherein she walked back to the Sith Temple. There are no clear reports that are stating what actually transpired after that fight.

It will be ideal if you get to know more about Star Wars too. You can get to know more about this character if you would check the quizzes that are available online. There are some that are related to her character alone and there are also some that will also make you answer questions about the other Star Wars characters.

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Ashoka Tano is a Jedi Padawan who helped form a network of cells that fought the Galactic Empire. This trivia quiz will gauge how much you know about her. Ashoka Tano is known to be the hero of Clone Wars. Play this...

Questions: 11  |  Attempts: 2856   |  Last updated: Mar 13, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Who is Ahsoka appreticed too? (who's padawan is she?)
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The fictional character of Ahsoka Tano in Clone Wars is popular among lovers of Star Wars for her leadership ability and maturity. Her attitude and the role she played in the movie endeared her to many people, thereby earning her...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 487   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    Why did tano become fulcrum?
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Ahsoka Tano is a fictional character in Star Wars, the clone wars. Being a togruta female, Ahsoka Tano learned under the Anakin Skywalker and was a major hero of the story, fighting many wars and helping to win them. Did you...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 500   |  Last updated: Mar 17, 2023
  • Sample Question
     Which of these had Tano appeared in prior to the clone wars?
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