
Alicia Keys Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Do you love music? Better yet, do you love Alicia Keys? Maybe you just know a lot about the  singer/songwriter? Whatever the case may be, you can take these fun quizzes and find out everything you need to know about the beautiful and talented singer! You can also take quizzes to see if you have a voice or personality like Alicia, or if you would be her worst enemy!
These quizzes are designed to teach you all about Alicia and her career as a singer/songwriter, but they are also for fun, and to match your personality (or voice) with hers! You and your friends can play these quizzes as a game, deciding who is the ‘popstar’ or figuring out who is most like Alicia, and have such a fun time playing!

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Questions: 23  |  Attempts: 849   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    When did Alicia Keys first have a top 100 single on the year-end Billboard charts?
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