
Alien Movie Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Welcome to our Alien Movie Quizzes! If you're a fan of science fiction, extraterrestrial adventures, and captivating stories from beyond the stars, this quiz series is perfect for you. Alien movies have long captivated audiences with their thrilling narratives, imaginative worlds, and encounters with creatures from other planets. Through these quizzes, you'll dive into the realms of science fiction and test your knowledge of iconic alien movies that have left an indelible mark on cinematic history. For movie enthusiasts looking to discover new alien films or relive classic favorites, our Alien Movie Quizzes offer an excellent opportunity to revisit the most memorable moments in sci-fi cinema.

Each quiz is designed to be interactive, fun, and nostalgic, with a mix of multiple-choice questions, true or false statements, and intriguing trivia. You'll have the chance to challenge yourself, compete with friends, and expand your knowledge of the fascinating world of alien movies.

Our Alien Movie Quizzes are not just about testing your knowledge; they also celebrate the imagination and creativity of filmmakers who have brought extraterrestrial tales to life on the big screen. So, get ready to embark on a cinematic journey to distant planets, encounter otherworldly beings, and explore the wonders of science fiction. Let's venture into the unknown and celebrate the allure of alien movies together!

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How well do you know Alien (1979)? Let’s find out

Questions: 9  |  Attempts: 781   |  Last updated: Mar 18, 2022
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    The tagline "In space no one can hear you scream" comes from which 1979 movie?
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Find out which alien you are, are you good or bad.

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 322   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
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    When a girl screams, you...
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Come here to see if your more like a alien or a werewolf!

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 108   |  Last updated: Oct 18, 2023
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    Do you like space?
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Unleash the bad side in you, everyone has one, except if you're an alien DON'T COME NEAR ME!

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 180   |  Last updated: Jan 3, 2013
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    You need to write a story for homework, how do you do it?
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