Anesthetics Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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What do you know about anesthetics? Do you suppose you know as much as necessary to pass this quiz? Anesthetic is any agent that produces a local or general loss of sensation, the majority of which is pain. Anesthetics...
Questions: 25 | Attempts: 2461 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionUsing these 2 drugs together allows maximum benefits while minimizing adverse effects.
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 1795 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionA halogenated anesthetic that causes fast induction and recovery
William T. G Morton was the first person in the world to successfully demonstrate the use of ether anesthesia for surgery. Today anesthetics render a patient unresponsive and unconscious, most patients may have amnesia and...
Questions: 17 | Attempts: 4882 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionA 43-year-old patient underwent an emergency minor arm repair procedure after a car accident. A standard dose of lidocaine was administered near the brachial plexus for peripheral nerve block. Which of the following adverse effects would most likely occur after the administration?
When you are under general anesthesia you are completely unconscious and unable to feel a thing during medical procedures. There are different drugs used with different effects. Take up the quiz and see what you know about...
Questions: 35 | Attempts: 1828 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionAnesthesia for surface pain or pre-anesthetic for subsequent deeper injections
Questions: 18 | Attempts: 340 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionA 14 year old patient visits the dentist for a scheduled removal of his wisdom teeth. The dentist notes removal of two of the wisdom teeth will require surgery. The oral surgeon plans to use an anesthetic with good analgesic and sedative properties but which does not cause relaxation of the skeletal muscles. Which is the drug the surgeon will most likely use?
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