
Geriatrics Quizzes, Questions & Answers

We have lived our life and it was a happy one by all standards. But now we’re getting old and we thoroughly need your help in order to get by. Can you help us lead a quiet and peaceful life from now on? We’re joking, we’re not that old but geriatrics is a serious specialty that needs a lot of focus and patience. Did you know that there is no set age at which patients may be under the care of a geriatrician or geriatric physician?

Did you also know that a geriatrician is a physician? Have you ever met one? If you have, then you must also know from which Greek words the term geriatrics comes from? What are the major categories of impairment that appear in elderly people, especially as they begin to fail are usually called what? Find all the right answers and show us how good a geriatrician you are.

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Ocular Diseases in the Elderly Part II

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