
Aspergers Quizzes, Questions & Answers

What do you know about Asperger’s? Mostly, people answer that it is an autism spectrum disorder, but do you know anything else beyond that? Maybe you know someone with Asperger’s and are an expert on the subject? Care to test your knowledge and find out? Now’s your chance! What is the usual IQ range of someone with Asperger’s? What was the name of the doctor who found out about the condition?

What is a tell-tale sign that someone may have Asperger’s? What is something that may cause a great amount of anxiety in someone who has Asperger’s? True or false: People with Asperger’s are generally hypersensitive to touch, smell, light, sounds, taste, and light. Take these educational quizzes to find out more about this condition and learn something new today.

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A short quiz based on my presentation. Show how well you know Asperger Syndrome!

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 129   |  Last updated: Mar 27, 2024
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    Who is the founder of Asperger Syndrome?
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What do you know about Asperger syndrome? The Autism spectrum includes different types of syndromes, and one of them is Asperger, in which the processing of information is affected with no speech delay. This syndrome is seen as...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 297   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    In Aspergers Syndrome onset is after age 3 years.
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