
Balanced Diet Quizzes, Questions & Answers

If you're not left-handed then you must be eating right! Too funny for you? Some people may think that only overweight people need a balanced diet. But you know that it's not true because everyone needs it, right? What is often paired with balanced diet to maximize its effects? When diet is considered unhealthy, what are the risks often involved?

If you go through a balanced diet, what diseases are you less likely to acquire? If you really think about the benefits, then you’d pretty much want to go on a balanced diet. If you think about the benefits of taking these quizzes, you'd want to start right away too! Are you ready for some food for the brain? Check out our quizzes on Balanced Diet. Good luck!

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Test your knowledge of a balanced diet by simply taking this balanced diet MCQ quiz. A balanced diet is known as a diet that has differing kinds of foods in various measured quantities and proportions so that the requirement for...

Questions: 16  |  Attempts: 20009   |  Last updated: Oct 2, 2024
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    Why do we need to eat a balanced diet?
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Test yourself on aspects of a balanced diet and good nutrition points.

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 4383   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Fruit and vegetables are important because 
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