
Because Of Winn Dixie Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Why??? Because Of Winn-Dixie! Young ones and "young once", have you browsed the pages of Kate DiCamillo's multi-awarded children's novel "Because Of Winn Dixie"? Who is Winn-Dixie, by the way? Hope you won't have a "ruff" time figuring that out! What's the name of the 10 year old girl in the story? See if you can still remember that little "gem". Easy enough for you? 'Coz these are just some basics questions you'll be facing when you decide to take this challenge.
How about questions regarding the plot and other related trivia questions? We'll be throwing those in there as well! Are you ready to relive the adventure through these quizzes? Why take on this challenge, you ask? The answer is "Because of Winn-Dixie". Hope you have a blast!

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The story of Winn Dixie is all about love, forgiveness, and the importance of friendship. The book gives one hope that one set back does not mean the end. Try a 4th-grade summer school quiz for a chapter book, "Because of...

Questions: 28  |  Attempts: 3872   |  Last updated: Jan 19, 2023
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    What did Opal get at the store besides groceries?
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Multiple choice quiz on chapters 6-14. Reading comprehension skills.

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 1068   |  Last updated: Jan 19, 2023
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    What animal did Miss Franny Block mistake  Winn-Dixie for?
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Multiple choice and fill in the blank questions for chapters 15-26 of "Because of Winn-Dixie."

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 368   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    When Jennifer was completing her daily  __________  of small __________she went home and relaxed with a cup of tea.
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Because Of Winn-Dixie is a story of a girl who was abandoned by her mother moves out with her father to a small town Florida where she then adopts a stray dog and meets an eclectic group of individuals. Take this quiz and see...

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 1485   |  Last updated: Jan 19, 2023
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    Opal's first name is India because
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It is an American comedy film released in 2005, and was  written by Joan Singleton. The Winn Dixie movie features prominent actors and actress like Jeff Daniels, Cicely Tyson, Luke Benward among others. The film presents...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 263   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What is the occupation of Opal's father?
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