
BIM Quizzes, Questions & Answers

The world has become an extremely diverse place with various information sources that have to be interpreted the right way if a company is to become popular nowadays. Employers have recognized the increasing importance of people who can actually interpret this data and see patterns and they are offering more and more money to such people. Do you know enough about business information management to answer these?

Management information systems are typically computer systems used for what? What are the five main components of an information management system? Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations evaluate, design, implement, manage, and utilize systems to generate information to improve what? Find out more about this topic and win the championship.

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This test will cover all terms and concepts from the beginning of the year. Answer every question. Your results will be e-mailed to me but keep the results screen open until I ask you to close.

Questions: 27  |  Attempts: 2046   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    1. Which of the following is an example of BAD file management?
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