
Boiler Quizzes, Questions & Answers

How much do you know about the boiler? You may become surprised by the number of boiler quizzes that you can find online. You see, there are a lot of people who are searching for the boilers that they can use at home for a long time. The water boiler will allow you to heat water easily. There is no need to place the water on the pot and wait for it to boil. A boiler can boil water in a faster amount of time. In industries, the boiler is known as a type of vessel that is usually enclosed.

This is the place where a large amount of water is also heated and put to a boil. This may be required by some industries based on the things that they are working on. Some people use it for water heating so that they can bathe easily while there are also some people who need to use a large amount of boiled water for sanitation.

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A closed vessel called a boiler is used to heat fluid, usually water. Play this informative quiz, the special boiler quiz, to see how well you know the functionality and practicality of the boiler. The quiz contains various...

Questions: 131  |  Attempts: 16123   |  Last updated: Oct 15, 2024
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    A Special Engineer is expected to be competent, take charge of, and be responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of all classes of boiler of not more than _______ HP and their appurtenances.
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Are you ready for these high-pressure boiler quiz questions and answers? Play this quiz, then. Many different industries use high-pressure boilers for central heating systems and many other applications. The water in boilers is...

Questions: 49  |  Attempts: 15026   |  Last updated: Feb 2, 2024
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    The steam space of a boiler must be large enough to?
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For you to adequately understand course it is important to ensure that you take up quizzes that test out what you have learnt so far. The Boiler Exam review quiz from Class 1a below is perfect for that. Give it a shot and see...

Questions: 73  |  Attempts: 5960   |  Last updated: Apr 29, 2024
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    What is the unit called that controls the starting and stopping of the burner by sensing the temperature of the water in a hot water boiler?
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Questions: 167  |  Attempts: 1385   |  Last updated: Aug 7, 2024
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    1).    Which formula is used to determine the efficiecy of the boiler based on heat absorption?
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What is a steam boiler? What are the uses of a steam boiler? What does the steam boiler compose of and how does it work? These are some of the questions whose basics are being tested in this quiz. Enjoy.

Questions: 45  |  Attempts: 8409   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Deaerator feedwater is to prevent
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