
Clint Eastwood Quizzes, Questions & Answers

His famous line is “Go ahead, make my day!” Know who this famous actor is? Not only has he starred in numerous movies over the past sixty years, but he is a famous director for films such as “Jersey Boys” and “Mystic River.” You may know his for his cowboy films, such as “Fist Full of Dollars.” You can also see this actor escape from Alcatraz. Since 1967, this actor has run his own production company called Malpaso.

Itching to know who this actor is…yep, you guessed it; it is Clint Eastwood? There are so many more questions you can ask about Clint Eastwood. Hey, it is only a click away for some really good trivia questions. Why don’t you give it a shot?

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Smitten by the good-looks of actor Clint Eastwood? Well, let's see how much you really know in this quiz?

Questions: 30  |  Attempts: 607   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    What was the name of the orangutan in the Clint Eastwood film "Every Which Way But Loose"?
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Are you thrilled by Clint Eastwood? Let’s take this quiz and find out how much you really know?

Questions: 30  |  Attempts: 573   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    In which movie did Clint Eastwood fall squint-over-heels for Rene Russo?
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Though Clint Eastwood is a private person, he has most of his private affairs up on social media and the internet. It's quite ironical that he is a private person. From his relationships to marriages and kids, Clint has a...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 175   |  Last updated: Mar 18, 2023
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    How many marriages did Clint Eastwood have?
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Considering many of you think you know all about the stars in Hollywood and what they do to give the spark on the screen, I think taking this quiz on one of the veterans- Clint Eastwood to test that knowledge of yours. Apart from...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 188   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    What movie got Clint Eastwood his first award at the Academy words?
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Find out more on this ageless and one of the most respected Hollywood actor Clint Eastwood.

Questions: 26  |  Attempts: 362   |  Last updated: Mar 18, 2023
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    Clint Eastwood won a Golden Globe in what year?
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