
Cocktail Quizzes, Questions & Answers

For the people out there why would anybody chose to name any drink with a part of a bird's body, and how is it that the naming stuck, here are some questions that might bring you a little closer to understanding: "What is the connection between a cocktail and a horse?" "What is the difference between a Tom Collins and a John Collins?", and "What was James Bond's favorite cocktail, and how did he prefer to take it?".

Take these quizzes and indulge in some of the most fascinating information that cocktails can stir. From "What cocktail (also referred to as the Dutch Courage) was invented in the early 17th century in Holland, and used to treat stomach pains, gout, and gallstones?", to "Which three ingredients make for a Road Kill?". The questions are on the house!

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Discover your perfect signature cocktail with our enticing quiz, "What's Your Signature Cocktail?" Whether you're a seasoned mixologist or simply enjoy sipping a well-crafted beverage, this quiz is sure to...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 4321   |  Last updated: Nov 16, 2023
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    Do you like fast cars? 
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A quiz to test your knowledge of different names & ingredients of popular and tasty cocktails!

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 9565   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Which ingredients make up a White Lady?
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Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 980   |  Last updated: Jun 7, 2022
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    What would you rather eat?
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Making Cocktail involves the mixing of different alcohols together with other non-alcoholic substance. However, to some, making Cocktail is an art which makes it more than mixing drinks together. This quiz is aimed at testing how...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1844   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Where was cocktail believed to be invented?
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The Cocktail Bartender Bronze Award knowledge test

Questions: 14  |  Attempts: 185   |  Last updated: Mar 10, 2023
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    Name the equipment:
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