Computer Parts Quizzes, Questions & Answers
Top Trending Quizzes
Could you identify these computer parts? For this quiz, you want to know what is found inside the computer, what part of the computer is utilized to see your work, how the computer accepts and processes information, and the...
Questions: 27 | Attempts: 13242 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat is this?
Embark on a journey through the digital landscape with our "How Well Do You Know Computer Parts and Vocabulary?" quiz. In today's time, everyone is aware of using computers and laptops. But how much do you...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 11973 | Last updated: Jan 15, 2024
Sample QuestionThe main part or brains of the computer that processes instructions, performs calculations and manages the flow of information through a computer system.
Do you understand every one of the parts of the computer and can pass this quiz? Computer components, including the CPU, RAM, power supply hard drive, and motherboard. You plug the equipment, not the motherboard. This contact...
Questions: 11 | Attempts: 17076 | Last updated: Nov 13, 2024
Sample QuestionOnly you can hear when using these:
Are you ready for your exam on computer parts? When you are learning the parts of the computer, do not forget about the individual hardware. This hardware includes the keyboard, mouse, printer, and speakers. For this quiz, you...
Questions: 23 | Attempts: 1075 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
Sample QuestionThe CPU is found inside which part of a computer?
Identifying computer peripherals and its use
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 2195 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionDisplays the output of what have you searched and encoded in the computer.
Recent Quizzes
A Trivia Quiz on Computer and It's Part is exactly what you need to ensure that you have what it takes to go to the next stage of the course where you learn more about computer operations. Don't be scared to give this...
Questions: 17 | Attempts: 905 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat is the correct name for this part of a PC/Workstation?
When it comes to information technology, computers are the main topic of discussion and how they work to meet a given organization's objectives. How knowledgeable are you when it comes to computers and basic computer...
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 379 | Last updated: Dec 27, 2023
Sample QuestionThe main part or brains of the computer that processes instructions, performs calculations and manages the the flow of information through a computer system...
This is a formative assessment for part 2 of chapter 1.
Questions: 16 | Attempts: 330 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Can you identify the parts of the computer? For this quiz, you will be shown a picture of a significant computer part, and you will be asked to say what it is. You will need to know what a printer is and what it does, the...
Questions: 14 | Attempts: 675 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionDoes this part input or output information for a computer?
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 739 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhich two (2) hardware devices are considered input devices?
You’d be surprised how many people use a computer every day without knowing what’s going on behind the screen. What is it that allows you to send your emails, create imagery, engage in social media and even do...
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 221 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionA computer is a motorized device that proceses output into input.
Most of us use them every single day – you’re probably even using one right now – but do we really know as much about the inner mechanics of computers as we probably should? How well do you know parts of the...
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 2199 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionA computer is a motorized device that proceses output into input.
Before you learn how to use a computer the one thing you need to know are the parts that make up that computer. In the second grade computer class this week we got to cover some of this. Do you believe you can now identify the...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 1138 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023