
Dave Matthews Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Dave Matthews is a South African singer and songwriter. He is perhaps best known because he is the lead guitarist and vocalist for the group the Dave Matthews band. He is in fact their lead songwriter as well. He was born in Johannesburg and at the age of two moved to New York. He started to play acoustic guitar at a very young age. Do you know what age she started? The answer is nine.

He started his band in 1991 and since then has focused on song writing and performing with the band as well as many solo performances and records. His band earned more money and sold more tickets than any other band in North America between 2000 and 2010. If you know everything about this particular man and his work, then take our quizzes to see just how much you know.

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Questions: 100  |  Attempts: 284   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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Dave Matthews Band trivia questions written by ChesterCopperpot5/JayBTV of Youtube

Questions: 100  |  Attempts: 444   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    What is Holloway?
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