
Duke Blue Devils Quizzes, Questions & Answers

If you or someone you love has attended Duke University then you clearly bleed blue and white. But not just any blue. The official color used by the team and the university is now dubbed “duke blue”. The mascot for the 26 varsity teams that compete for Duke University at the Atlantic Coast Conference is the Blue Devil, a name which is derived from the French translation, a nickname given in the First World War.

Can you name how many NCAA championships have been won by the blue devils? Or how many times the women’s golf team has won? If you really think you are an expert, take one of our multiple online quizzes today and see how well you can do against the odds!

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Take this quiz to test your knowledge on Duke Blue Devils

Questions: 24  |  Attempts: 1189   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
  • Sample Question
    Duke basketball coach, Mike Krzyzewski, has what nickname?
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