
Dynamics Quizzes, Questions & Answers

F=mc2. Can’t escape knowing that one, but do you remember what F=ma means? That is actually the second law of motion and it describes the dynamics of movement.

In fact, dynamics is a branch  of physics (specifically classical mechanics) concerned with the study of forces and torques and their effect on motion, as opposed to kinematics, which studies the motion of objects without reference to its causes.

“Who was the scientist that devoted his work to defining the fundamental physical laws which govern dynamics in physics?”, “What are the two categories that determine the study of dynamics?”, “The concept of force is used to describe what kind of phenomenon?”, and “What are Newton’s three laws of motion?” are just some of the questions of these quizzes that you may find dynamically engaging.

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This quiz covers topics related to motion, specifically speed/velocity, acceleration, uniform motion, uniformly accelerated linear motion, and forces/friction. Expect questions that prompt you to apply theoretical concepts...

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 6762   |  Last updated: Mar 29, 2024
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    Study the motion of the body in each case: a. a ship moving at 10 km/h in a straight path. b. a car moving on a straight path and then slowing down to stop c. a storm initially moving at 50 km/h northeast and then 60 km/h eastward d. a bus moving at 40 km/h around a curve. Which bodies move with constant speed?
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It is true that there is power in a group relative to an individual. Group dynamics quiz below tests and highlights on the different significances and effects of groupings. Find out how good you are.

Questions: 41  |  Attempts: 2931   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    What are the five roles of a worker?
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To all the drama lovers out there who indulge in plays and books for both the old and young audience take this quiz. It is specifically designed to help you find out how much you gained in class during the previous semester.

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 754   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
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    A FREEZE FRAME is....
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For those of you who love all things biology and living organisms especially emboli and how the human body works, then this is the quiz for you. If you are prepared to test your knowledge try it out.

Questions: 42  |  Attempts: 322   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
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    True or False.  An Embolus is a freely movable, intravascular mass that's carried from one anatomic site to another by the blood.
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DeLaet: Dynamics of Health Care In Society:Critical Thinking

Questions: 22  |  Attempts: 366   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Studying involves
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