
EA NCAA Football Game Quizzes, Questions & Answers

There's no better sport for thrills and spills than football, but sometimes it can be hard to find a team full of people to play it with. You can now get just as much by playing it on your video games console thanks to EA NCAA Football. Those games geniuses at Electronic Arts realized that people love college football just as much as they love the NFL, so their latest franchise allows people to represent their favorite college team.

It's a game that's huge amounts of fun, especially when playing against friends and family. You can have just as much fun when you play our EA NCAA Football quizzes. There have been two versions of EA NCAA Football released, in which years? An online vote decided which team would feature on the cover of the latest version, but who won the vote? Get ready to receive our questions.

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How Much Do You Really Know About EA NCAA Football Game?

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 156   |  Last updated: Sep 25, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What is the name of the mascot of the Wisconsin football team that is ranked #11 overall in EA Sports "NCAA Football"?
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