
EA NHL Game Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Ice hockey is a tremendously fun game to play, but of course it can also be a little dangerous, and there's lots of specialist equipment that you need to buy. Don't worry, thanks to the EA NHL video games you can have just as much fun without even having to step on the ice. Take charge of your favorite team and see if you can lead them to the ultimate prize of the Stanley Cup itself.

It's a great game to play against your friends, so why not get those same friends round and see who triumphs in our EA NHL quizzes? How many players can play EA NHL at any one time? Which legend of the game features on the cover of the latest version? For which console was the game first released? Put your stick down, it's time for our quizzes to begin.

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A fun and interesting quiz on EA NHL Games

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 164   |  Last updated: Oct 18, 2024
  • Sample Question
    What Carolina Hurricanes center is featured on the cover of "NHL 08"?
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