
ECG Quizzes, Questions & Answers

The word electrocardiogram doesn’t have you ducking your head in a room full of strangers. Rather, the moment you hear it, you find your voice. Not only can you tell that it records the electrical activity of the heart but you can explain how the heart works and how the electrical impulses it produces are detected by an ECG. You can also explain the various body parts where electrodes are attached to, the heart defects it can detect and its limitations.
You are aware that ten electrodes are required to produce 12 electrical views of the heart. Do you know what Bradycardia means? Can you define the term Tachycardia? Do you know that there can be delays in the transmission of electrical impulses within the system? Do you know what happens during an ECG? If you know the answers to such questions, take these quizzes to test your ECG knowledge.

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Do you know anything about ECG? Would you like to put your knowledge to the test? An electrocardiogram records the electrical signals in your heart. It is a standard test used to detect heart problems and monitor the status of...

Questions: 12  |  Attempts: 15683   |  Last updated: Jan 19, 2024
  • Sample Question
    The purpose of an ECG is to look for abnormalities of the heart?
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This is a 10 question quiz which covers the content that we have covered in class and online this week. Please choose the best answer.

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 3480   |  Last updated: Jan 12, 2024
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    When analyzing an ECG strip, the nurse ascertains which of the following measurements are outside of normal limits?
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Welcome to the ECG Arrhythmia Quiz, a comprehensive learning tool designed for medical students, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in mastering the art of electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation. This quiz offers an...

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 7296   |  Last updated: Aug 22, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Prolonged but constant P-R interval (+0.2 secs or +5 small squares).  Regular poppin Ps.  P then QRS.  QRS normal.  Impulse from SA node.  Impulses slows through AV node.
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In an exam, there are certain terminologies you must be aware of so that you can get the meaning of the question or have a clue on what it answers can be. With the NCCT ECG certification exam just around the corner, the quiz...

Questions: 50  |  Attempts: 8369   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    AF is an abbreviation for 
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How much do you know about electrocardiograms? When someone is having some problems with their heart, a physician may need to take some tests such as an ECG. The ECG records electrical signals in the heart by determining heart...

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 15920   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Which of the following ECG characteristics distinguishes Atrial Flutter from other Atrial Dysrhythmias:  
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