
Edward Cullen Quizzes, Questions & Answers

The main vampire from the Twilight saga is back and his hair looks better than ever. Are you ready to answer questions about your favorite shiny bloodsucker? Prepare yourself for the trivia of a lifetime. We’ve included everything related to Edward Cullen, from his story back when he was a human being, to his present family and even the car he drove in the first Twilight movie.

Actually, what car did Edward Cullen drive in the first Twilight film? What was the name of the human with which he falls in love? What was the name of the female vampire that creates an army in the third book and almost kills Edward? Brace yourself because this one is going to be tough. Are you ready to stand up for what you love?

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Today we ask you the ultimate question: Team Edward or Team Jacob? Let’s find out as you ask a number of questions to determine which of the hunks from the Twilight Saga you were always destined to be with.

Questions: 14  |  Attempts: 2464   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
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    So you hear the phone ring who do you think it is?
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Step into the mesmerizing world of Twilight with this fun "Are You Edward Cullen's Soulmate?" quiz and find out if you're destined to be Edward Cullen's perfect match! This thrilling quiz will put your...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 5018   |  Last updated: Jul 17, 2023
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    What is your ideal way to spend a romantic evening?
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Do you know the famous Edward Cullen? Would Edward Cullen love you? What do you think? Okay, we will make it simple for you. Here is a quiz for you. Edward Cullen is a very popular fictional character in Stephenie Meyer's...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 8769   |  Last updated: Nov 6, 2022
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    What's your favorite song?
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Have you watched Twilight? Do you like Edward? Would Edward be able to fall in love with you? Here is a fun quiz for you. Though Edward Cullen is a fictional character in the Twilight series, he is one of the most loved and...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1804   |  Last updated: Nov 6, 2022
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    How do you feel about blood?
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This is to find out how you smell to both Jacob AND Edward based on their opinions!

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 3743   |  Last updated: Jun 14, 2024
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    ME: To begin, I will let Jake over there go first. I don't want to hear any fighting during this quiz though. GOT IT? good. // Jacob: So, since I am first *does quiet dance* I will ask, if you could be a wareeolf why would you like it? // Edward: Typical question for a MUTT! // ME: HEY NOW FIGHTING!
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