
Empire Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Empire building isn't all about taking over other countries, it can be about building empires in business and the world of entertainment too, but as the smash hit Fox series Empire shows, that can be just as bloody. The series takes an raw and realistic look at the world of hip hop music, centered around the music mogul Luscious Lyon. The music, as you might expect, is just as great as the acting and the action. If you've never missed an episode, then see how much you remember by taking part in our Empire quizzes.

What was Luscious Lyon's former occupation? His ex-wife is determined to bring Lyon's world crashing down around his ears, can you name her? What role does Naomi Campbell play? Let's see if you can build your own empire when it comes to our quizzes.

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Questions: 8  |  Attempts: 3237   |  Last updated: May 29, 2024
  • Sample Question
    If you see an Elderly Women VERY SLOWLY crossing An empty street what do you do?
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