English Literature Quizzes, Questions & Answers
Recent Quizzes
There are different ways in which a writer can use to make their writer have a certain feeling or view about their work. Can you identify the different ways used to achieve this? Take up the quiz below and see how true the...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 6937 | Last updated: Jan 27, 2024
Sample QuestionOne of the following is not a type of drama
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the young prince comes home to mourn and bury his dead father but find out his mother has been married to his uncle Claudus leaving him feeling disgusted. What else can you remember...
Questions: 20 | Attempts: 2956 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWho is unconvinced that there is a ghost of Hamlet Sr. until he sees him with his own eyes?
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