Entonces Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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Bueno, entonces...Class 18 is the very helpful repaso (review) for Week 3, covering everything from clothes, colors and adjectives to activities, months and seasons. And that's just the vocabulary!
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 156 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat is the difference between "Castellano" and "Español"?
Bueno, entonces...Class 10 is a perfect supplement if you ever anticipate spending a lot of time in a Spanish speaking country- because eventually you will need to go grocery shopping and it's important to...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 363 | Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
Sample QuestionHow do you say "I'm embarassed"?
Recent Quizzes
Bueno, entonces...Class 20 introduces and shows by examples the differences between "POR" and "PARA" which can be really, really hard for Spanish Learners to get their heads around. See if you know when to use...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 219 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat does this sentence mean: "Acabo de ver una pelicula."
Bueno, entonces...Class 19 is a perfect introduction into all things "SER" and "ESTAR", while both these verbs mean "to be" they are used in very different ways and it's absolutely essential...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 174 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat can you see in Mar del Plata?
Bueno, entonces... Class 17 helps you learn about the weather, the seasons and the oh-so-fun prepositions! And it has David singing "Like a Virgin".... in Spanish!
Are you ready to chat up the...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 238 | Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
Sample QuestionIn Verano, there is...
Bueno, entonces...Class 16 is the most important class if you ever want to go shopping. So girls, take note and guys, take your wallet.
There are also demonstrative pronouns, adjectives,...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 244 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat do you need to wear in Moscow during the winter?
Bueno, entonces...Class 15 will certainly come in handy if you are robbed. It's important to be able to describe people!
Not sure if you can do it? Test yourself with this 5 minute quiz on Bueno,...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 248 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionPlease describe Hugo Chavez
Buenos, entonces... Class 11 teaches you a whole new tense! As well as how to ask for directions, a must-know when navigating a new city!
Check out this quick 10 question quiz and see if you are ready...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 350 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionHow do you ask where a farmacia is?