
Food Ad Slogan Quizzes, Questions & Answers

What is a slogan? It is that striking phrase we read on products as form of advertisement. Are you particular when it comes to food ad slogan? Are your choices ruled by how the product is advertised? Businesses use catchy captions to bring appeal to the buying public.

When I say “Finger-lickin’ good”, for sure even little kids know its Kentucky Fried Chicken. How about “Obey Your Thirst” or “Sometimes You Got To Break The Rule” Sounds familiar? Advertisement really plays a big role in a product’s popularity so the owners have to be very keen about it. Food business is highly competitive and first impression is lasting. So what you advertise, you must deliver. So come on take our quizzes, test your memory on these famous lines.

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Do you know all the facts about Food Ad Slogans? Take this quiz and prove yourself!

Questions: 14  |  Attempts: 1149   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What breakfast food's slogan is "They're grrreat!"?
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