
Godly Parent Quizzes, Questions & Answers

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree", as the idiom goes. But what if you were the son or daughter of a god? Who do you think your "Godly Parent" would likely be? Are you itching to find out? Then waste no time and check out our quizzes. What's your favorite color? Where do you enjoy hanging out? Who are the people you idolize? How do you react in certain situations?

These questions may seem so random, but they could also provide the answers you seek. Do you possess the mighty leadership skills of Zeus? Or maybe you have the fire of Mars... You shall find out soon enough. Who is your "Godly Parent"? Get ready for some divine invasion when you take on these godly quizzes!

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Here is an interesting 'godly mother quiz' that we've designed to determine the name of your godly mother. The gods of Olympus were seen, as all-powerful, and to date, there are some people who still pray to...

Questions: 14  |  Attempts: 32132   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022
  • Sample Question
    You and your friends are spending the entire day together, what do you do?
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