
Godzilla Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Imagine fishing on a cool, windy morning at a pier. The birds are flying on the sky and there’s not a drop of sound. Everything is calm and smooth. Suddenly, you feel the ground shaking and the water level rising up. And then, something emerges from the water. Something colossal, something you’ve never seen before. And that’s where the legend of Godzilla begins. A huge reptilian-amphibian monster from the Japanese tokusastsu genre, Godzilla is synonymous with destruction.
The movie shows how continuous nuclear testing and radiation can lead lizards and other reptiles to mutate in to enormous monsters. After a series of arsenal attacks and bombing, mankind finally overpowers the beast, with nearly half of the city in ruins. There are not one, but three Godzilla movies. Do you know when they were released and who acted in them? And who first coined the term Godzilla and what it means? Find out all that and more through these quizzes.

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Test your knowledge with the hardest Godzilla quiz ever.

Questions: 18  |  Attempts: 12279   |  Last updated: Dec 11, 2024
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    In what two movies did Godzilla die in (excluding the American Godzilla)?
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How much do you know about Godzilla movie? There are over 30 Godzilla movies till date and most people who are not Godzilla fans know that his original name was actually Godjira. Do you think you have watched most of these movies...

Questions: 33  |  Attempts: 7221   |  Last updated: Jul 26, 2024
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    What year was Godzilla created?
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My new and Godzilla quiz!

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 1477   |  Last updated: Jul 23, 2024
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    If a deadly disease hit earth and you were the only person who had the cure pill what would you do?
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Do you know there are different factions of Godzilla? One of them is the earth defender. Take this quiz to know which Godzilla Earth defender you are. Godzilla: Unleashes is a popular 3D video game that is popular among video...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1340   |  Last updated: Aug 30, 2022
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    If you found $100 on the ground by a gas station. What would you do?
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Test your knowledge over Godzilla (1998) with this quiz

Questions: 29  |  Attempts: 497   |  Last updated: Mar 16, 2023
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    Which one of these was the first Godzilla film?
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