
Grandma Quizzes, Questions & Answers

This a 2015 comedy drama film released to the viewing public at the Sundance Film Festival just last January 2015. It’s a story about three generations, three women, three different personalities. A grandmother, a mother and a daughter. Grandma Elle is a lesbian poet coping with the recent death of her long term life partner. Mother Judy never knew who her sperm donor was. What happened to daughter Sage that started the drama in their lives? Who was there for them and saved their day?

It’s a feel good film. It will make you laugh, at times cry and realize that some of us can relate to each and every one of the main characters. So you want to know more about this film? Go on, answer our quizzes.

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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1248   |  Last updated: Mar 18, 2022
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    You're baking me a pie. Don't question--you just are. Where's the pie crust coming from?
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Are you snarky and sassy? Do you live under a rock? In a mansion? Are you the stereotypical grandmother? The one who gets 95% of their info from tabloids and New York Times???

Questions: 8  |  Attempts: 442   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022
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    What is your future house decorated like?
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