
Hellboy Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Move over Batman and Superman, there's a new superhero in town and he's very much a hero for our times. Hellboy was already a cult comic book hero when the 2004 film adaptation was made and propelled the character to worldwide fame. As the tagline says, he's 'here to protect', but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a very dark side himself. If this is your favorite superhero movie of all time then you really should enjoy our Hellboy quizzes.

Who was responsible for the original series of Hellboy comic books? Do you know who played the character of Hellboy in the film? What was the 2008 movie sequel called? What are Hellboy's team of crime fighting helpers called? Boy, it looks like you're going to do well in our quizzes.

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Do you know which Hellboy character you are? Have you had the chance to watch the Hellboy movie series and see the storyline by heart, if you have the chances are that you have your favorite character that has the same...

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 1145   |  Last updated: Nov 16, 2023
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    What is your favorite color
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Learn which Hellboy caracter you are

Questions: 5  |  Attempts: 2145   |  Last updated: Jul 5, 2024
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    What is your favorite coulor
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