
Homestuck Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Homestuck webcomics is a unique web comic which was written, illustrated, and animated by the same man. Do you know his name? If you said Andrew Hussie, you are right. This is the fourth web comic to be produced on the MS Paint Adventures.

This show follows a group of teenagers who accidentally bring the world to an end when they install a beta version of a game onto their computer. This comic utilizes animations, instant message logs, GIFs, static images, and more all of which are made using Adobe Flash. The game was launched back in 2009 and has continued to earn a great deal of recognition since. If you are a big fan of this and more games like it, then test your knowledge with one of our online quizzes. 

Top Trending Quizzes

Are you also wondering about which Homestuck character are you? This quiz is designed to help you find which character in this iconic series best matches your personality. Are you like John, the optimistic leader, or more like...

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 119370   |  Last updated: Nov 13, 2024
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    Are you passionate?
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Have you ever wondered which blood color you are? This Homestuck blood color quiz here can help you in finding out which blood color you have. You can either be high blood or low blood, depending on the answers that you give on...

Questions: 66  |  Attempts: 47752   |  Last updated: May 5, 2022
  • Sample Question
    Out of these, which is your favourite colour?
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