India Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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Welcome to the Unknown trivia facts and questions on the history of the British Raj in India! This is the period in which power to control India was based on what the English crown saw fit, and it was a period where the British...
Questions: 7 | Attempts: 1360 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat were 3 major centers of British power in India?
Below is a trivia quiz on Power Generation and Electricity Sector in India! In the world today, India has the highest consumption and production rate when it comes to electricity, and this is partly due to its large population,...
Questions: 9 | Attempts: 239 | Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
Sample QuestionWhat is the largest rating of alternator manufactured in India?
India is a land of a very attractive culture and a lot of important people in world history did come from India such as Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa. India is considered one of the most populated countries in the world. What...
Questions: 23 | Attempts: 11441 | Last updated: Jan 8, 2024
Sample QuestionThe National Stadium in Delhi was earlier known by the name
India is the seventh-largest and second most populous country in South Asia, which is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Since time immemorial, spiritual knowledge, bhakti and the teachings...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 3912 | Last updated: Aug 19, 2024
Sample QuestionWhich of the following popular form of exercise originates in India and is practiced worldwide?
How much do you know about India? O you know about its hardships and achievements throughout history and why it is actually one of the most interesting countries in India? Well, the quiz below is one of the best ways you can test...
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 300 | Last updated: Mar 17, 2022
Sample QuestionIn which of the following Vedic hymns there is a reference of the origin of four Varnas?
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