
Infant Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Everyone loves a baby. They come screaming into this world and throw our lives upside down, and we love them for it. The word “infant” comes from the Latin term “infans” which means unable to speak, or speechless. The term infant (when referring to humans) is typically used to refer to babies between the ages of one month and twelve months. So what do you know about these little people whose age is measured in months, not years?

We’re here to test your knowledge, baby! What is the term for a baby under one month of age? What is the average weight of a newborn in developed countries? How much weight should newborn babies gain per day? What percent of total body length is a baby’s head? What does the protein “noggin” help to form on a baby? What is the term for the fine, downy hair some babies are born with? How far can newborns see? If you’ve got the answers to all things baby, check our infant quizzes!

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Lactation is the process that involves the secretion and feeding of the offspring with milk from the mammary glands of the mother. It is a vital process that ensures survival of lines.

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1519   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Which of the following hormones is important in lactation?
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Welcome to the Infant development trivia quiz. Today there are a lot of children who are born and don’t get to see their first birthday due to the number of factors. In this quiz, you will get to see some of the issues...

Questions: 16  |  Attempts: 1439   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    Parents in all cultures hold the following in common when an infant cries?
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This quiz is to test your knowledge of why babies cry and how to soothe them.

Questions: 14  |  Attempts: 645   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
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    What are babies trying to express through crying?
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Questions: 102  |  Attempts: 291   |  Last updated: Oct 11, 2024
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    What should be your first action when preparing to do a pre-op assessment on a 3 yr old child?
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