Invention Quizzes, Questions & Answers
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6th GradeTop Trending Quizzes
The invention is the moving force that leads us to modernity. Take this quiz on the great inventions of the 20th century. From the walk man to cellphones to computers and much more, the invention of the 20th century opened the...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 281 | Last updated: Dec 14, 2023
Sample QuestionModern lie detector was invented by
The Wright Brothers are one of the most popular brothers in World history because with teamwork they built the world's first successfully flying aeroplane. Thanks to them, aeroplanes were quickly able to be modernized to...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 520 | Last updated: Mar 18, 2023
Sample QuestionHow many are the brothers known as "Wright Brothers"?
Without inventions, humankind would be lost. And not only lost, probably wouldn't exist in this form we exist now. Inventions gave us internet! So, how much do you actually know about famous inventions and inventors?
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 331 | Last updated: Mar 18, 2023
Sample QuestionGPS is an abbreviation for:
This is a trivia fact quiz about Alessandro Volta and the Electricity. He is an Italian physicist and inventor that is credited for discovering electricity and making the first known battery in an attempt to make electricity last...
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 137 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionThe difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical or electronic circuit, expressed in volts is named____________
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