
Jainism Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Jainism, sometimes known as Jaina, is an Indian religion which focuses on non-violence and equality of life for all living things. Jainism focuses on three virtues, including non-violence. Can you name the other two virtues? Can you  also name the famous Indian independence leader who strongly believed in the path of non-violence?
Jains believe in non-violence so completely, they will remove insects from their home instead of killing them, and avoid eating root vegetable so as to not disturb microscopic organisms. Traditionally, Rishabha, (Adinatha) is considered the founder of Jainism. The largest population of Jains is in India, but there are Jainism groups in other parts of Asia and North America. Jainism is a beautiful and inspiring religion. If its teachings have influenced you, take one of our Jainism quizzes to learn even more.

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Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 5621   |  Last updated: Jun 27, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Jainism was founded in the year of _____.
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