
Jay Z Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Whether you like rap or not, you will definitely know this guy, Jay-Z. He is not only an undeniable rap-god, and praised by the world, but is also, believe it or not, a successful business man as well. He's sold an outstanding 75 million records, co-owns a club, has his own clothing line and so much more - this guy is definitely everywhere!
Do you really think you know enough about Jay-Z? Think again, take our quizzes and find out. Was his father a part of his childhood? Has Jay-Z ever talked about his true life in his raps? Do you even know his real name? Which device sparked his interest in music? If you know the answer to these and more, take our quizzes and you may be considered as a true fan!

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Thought you knew all about Jay-Z? Probably you knew him as the Rap King, didn't you? Well, there are a lot of things he is popular for, but the most prominent is his marriage to Beyonce. Now, with this trivia, let's see...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 426   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    What is the real name of Jay-Z?
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In the world of hip-hop or rap music, several great icons have grace this genre of music leaving their indelible mark on the stage, Jay Z is a popular American pop artist, take a quiz and see what you know about him

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 118   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Jay Z is a multitalented America hip-hop artist that grace the rap genre for 3 decades and still performing, what is his real name?
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