
Jerry Springer Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Jerry Springer is popular from his talk show called “The Jerry Springer Show”. That show actually came out in 1991. He is a musician, news anchor, and an actor. He is the former Democratic mayor of where? Do you know his real name? Who is he married to? Does he have any children?

He was born in London, England, but where does he currently live? Which popular TV show did he host for two seasons on the NBC channel? Which years of Miss Universe did he host? He guest hosted on WWE Raw in February of which year? Jerry Springer is quite popular, and many think they know everything about him – why not take these quizzes to test yourself?

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Based on your personality, we've formulated the various circumstances in which you could find yourself on the Jerry Springer show. As always, drama will ensue. Let's find out what tragedy is going on in your life.

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 163   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2022
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    How forward are you with people you've just met?
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Let's test your knowledge on Jerry Springer

Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 255   |  Last updated: Mar 18, 2023
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    Jerry Springer spoofed himself as "Larry Winger" on what popular daytime soap opera in 2001?
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