
Journalist Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Society’s watch dog and the forth power in state, journalism takes a various numbers of diverse forms across countries and time. And so does the job of a journalist. “What are the basic roles of a journalist?”, “What are the boundaries of journalistic freedom, and who were those who defined them?”

“How has the Internet influenced and altered this profession?”, and “Are paparazzi in fact journalists, or not?” are all questions that must be prompted in today’s ever-changing society.

Find out how has this profession evolved, and if it is still needed in a world where everybody can record information, and share their view on it. Assume the role of both reporter and subject, and answer the quizzes on journalist to find out if you can ‘take the heat’!

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This exam will be about John Howard Griffin's journey through the deep south

Questions: 31  |  Attempts: 1922   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    What is the title of the book
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