
Jurassic Park Quizzes, Questions & Answers

The movie is about a handful of 90s-fashionable scientists who fly to a Dino-filled island to explore the possibilities of genetic manipulation, but instead run into killer dinosaurs. You may know that the pre-historic Spielberg epic was based on a novel by a Michael Crichton. But how much do you really know about this 1993 blockbuster? Try out our quizzes and learn more.

How does the paleontologist Dr. Sam Neill discover that the dinosaurs are breeding like rabbits? And how is that even possible since the dinosaurs are all genetically engineered to only have girl parts (that’s geek-talk for female)?  While the movie never really explains how the dinosaurs were able to skip a major biological hurdle, you will get the answers to some prehistoric questions like: When did dinosaurs rule the earth? Is a full grown Spinosaur scarier than the T-Rex? Can you really master the language of a Raptor by blowing into its skull? And did chaos theorist Jeff Goldblum really memorize his rants on science and moral obligations? Find out the answers to all of these cool questions by taking our quizzes. 

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Jurassic Park is one of the most nostalgic movies of all time. This movie was responsible for a renewed interest in paleontology. A widely beloved movie, the CGI in this movie still holds today.  The following quiz is...

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 1610   |  Last updated: Mar 10, 2025
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    What is the Actors name who plays John Hammond?
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Ever wondered what character you would be in the best movie ever, Jurassic Park? Then this quiz is for you! 

Questions: 7  |  Attempts: 2980   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2022
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    You're stranded on an island: what do you do?
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Awesome quiz on Jurassic Park (1993). Attempt it now!

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 589   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    Which was the biggest selling movie at the box office in 1993?
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