
Kevin Spacey Quizzes, Questions & Answers

You’ve seen him in many great pictures and one of the best of them is K-Pax. We would also like you to remember The Usual Suspects and a few other ones that we will talk about in the following trivia. But before we get on with it you should look at the samples we have ready. Are you ready for them?

What was the name of the character that Kevin Spacey played in the movie K-PAX?  What was the name of the antagonist that we found out Kevin Spacey was, at the end of the movie the Usual Suspects? What is the name of the character he plays on House of Cards? All of these and many more other questions will have to be answered if you are to win. Make us proud.

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You think you know all about Kevin Spacey.

Questions: 21  |  Attempts: 373   |  Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
  • Sample Question
    In which 2001 movie did Kevin Spacey play the character Prot?
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