Keyboarding Quizzes, Questions & Answers
Top Trending Quizzes
A home row key refers to the row with 'QWERTY" layout keyboard. Generally, this layout is on any Keyboard console. This Home Row Test will assess your necessary keyboarding skills and test your knowledge about different...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 7103 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2024
Sample QuestionWhich set of home row keys are used by the left hand?
This quiz will examine your keyboarding skills. It will measure your knowledge about the way you use the keyboard buttons while typing. A home row refers to the row of keys placed on the QWERTY layout keyboard using different...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 3127 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhich is NOT a proper typing technique?
Hey there! Computer geeks! Finally came up with a new computer quiz which will test your keyboarding skills and knowledge about computers. This quiz will assess your prowess while typing on a keyboard. Do read the questions...
Questions: 26 | Attempts: 2796 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionThe part of the computer which allows you to type the information into the computer.
Keyboarding refers to a set of skills for operating a keyboard evenly while typing. For mastering the skills and increasing typing speed, it's necessary to understand the computer keyboard layout and its...
Questions: 10 | Attempts: 3098 | Last updated: Jun 19, 2024
Sample QuestionWhy is it important to learn to type efficiently?
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 275 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionIt is good to take a break from typing every 20 or 40 minutes to stretch out.
Recent Quizzes
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 488 | Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
Sample QuestionThis key executes commands with other keys.
Below is a Short Trivia Quiz On Proper Keyboarding Technique! If one does not use the proper techniques, the risk of having pain in their palms or fingers due to executing too much tension. Take up the quiz and see if you would...
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 664 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionJoseph is keying a document for a class. How should his fingers be positioned when using proper keyboarding techniques.
Below is a Trivia Quiz On Keyboarding Posture And Technique! It is designed to test out whether you know all the measures you can use to ensure to maximize the. Keyboard, in a way, ensuring that you are as comfy as can be. Give...
Questions: 15 | Attempts: 4683 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionIn the proper work area arrangement, the copy should be placed?
The keyboard is one of the most used avenues of entering data into a computer, and one needs a hand or two to operate the keyboard. Below is a keyboarding quiz that is designed to see if you know the best finger to use when it...
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 510 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionLETTER A
This is the ultimate keyboarding trivia questions test to see how good you are when it comes to using the keyboard and the short cuts to some of the shortcuts. Do give it a try and think before answering each question. Do not...
Questions: 25 | Attempts: 1225 | Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
Sample QuestionThe letter O is struck with the R3 finger.
One of the most common ways that people use to input data into the computer is through the keyboard. Most computer users have not understood how to use some of the keys on a keyboard, and that is why the course we understood was...
Questions: 25 | Attempts: 694 | Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
Sample QuestionThe R key is struck with the R2 finger.
This quiz tests your understanding of computer terms as well as finger reaches on the computer.
Questions: 25 | Attempts: 1073 | Last updated: Aug 27, 2023
Sample QuestionThe H key is capitalized by holding down this shift key.
The keyboard is one of the fastest ways of inputting data into a computer. There are various shortcuts that one can use to make it even faster and we got to cover most of it in the previous classes. Think you have some knowledge...
Questions: 5 | Attempts: 735 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2022
Sample QuestionAn arrangement of keys on a "board" that is attached to a computer used to input data.
Do you think you are an expert in keyboarding? How good are your keyboarding skills? Can you ace this quiz? You must know about good wrist position at the keyboard, what can occur if the monitor is too close or too far, what...
Questions: 9 | Attempts: 1280 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
Sample QuestionWhen sitting at the computer your wrists should be
This is a quiz for students in Keyboarding about hot keys and access
Questions: 8 | Attempts: 203 | Last updated: Mar 19, 2023
Sample QuestionAlt-Tab is the command for...