
Marijuana Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Marijuana is a natural drug which is grown primarily in South America and Central America. This drug is something which can be cultivated in any proper climate, something which has been achieved in areas that lack a proper climate through the establishment of proper green houses, commonly referred to as grow houses.

Marijuana is a non addictive drug which has been proven to help stop cancer growth. As a result it has been implemented across many states as a medication for those undergoing chemotherapy. It has also been provided as a medication to treat other pain related and nausea inducing sicknesses or ailments. If you know all about current marijuana laws, then put your memory to the test by completing one of our many online quizzes. 

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. Welcome to "Marijuana Trivia Facts: Quiz!" Are you ready to put your knowledge of weed to the test? Get ready for an engaging and interactive experience filled with fascinating facts and mind-boggling questions....

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 4116   |  Last updated: Feb 22, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Which part of the cannabis plant is commonly used to make hemp fiber?
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