
Martin Luther King Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Get ready to take our trivia quiz on one of the most influential men in American history, Martin Luther King Jnr! How well do you know this famous third African American to claim a Nobel Prize? Do you know how this man came to have his own federal holiday? Martin Luther King Jr. is, no-doubt, an incredibly important person in the history of fighting racial inequality nonviolently. He is the man to have spoken the world-famous speech “I have a dream” held in Washington to campaign for civil and financial human rights.

Now is the time to make justice a reality and remind yourself what you’ve missed about this still relevant person. Take our quizzes to find out what Martin Luther King’s greatest achievements were and what kind of conspiracies surround his death. Enjoy!

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Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most prominent political activists of all time. His unprecedented stand during the Civil Rights Movement and his non-violent methods during a very chaotic period of internal strife in...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 2269   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
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    The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech April 3, 1968, at Mason Temple, the Church of God in Christ Headquarters, in Memphis, Tenn. In it, he said: “We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop.” Scholars say his speech was foreshadowing what?  
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 Martin Luther King, Jr. - his speech -  the history of the time surrounding his speech - and the literary terms we discussed and identified within the speech.

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 410   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    In what year, did Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) give this speech?
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