
Metamorphic Rock Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Are you feeling the pressure? Metamorphic rocks do! Pressure, together with heat, are the forces that form metamorphic rocks. Did you know that metamorphic rocks come from igneous, sedimentary, and other metamorphic rocks?

It's all about metamorphic rocks. That's what we have in store. Do you know the different processes that form metamorphic rocks? How about their chemical composition? Any idea? Can you match the different pictures of metamorphic rocks with their respective names?

Studying rocks can be cool. What kind of rocks can you see around you? Show to us that you've got what it takes to be called a Rock Genius! We have a variety of quizzes about this type of rocks. Ready? Proceed to our quizzes and ROCK ON!

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Assessment on metamorphic rock characteristics and identification. 

Questions: 45  |  Attempts: 929   |  Last updated: Aug 13, 2024
  • Sample Question
    Rocks that have been changed from previously existing rocks (but that were not completely melted) by the action of heat, pressure, and associated chemical activity are:_____ rocks
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