
Mitt Romney Quizzes, Questions & Answers

If Mitt Romney had defeated President Barack Obama in the 2012 elections, would things in the USA be very different now? That's one thing we'll never know, but there's still a lot of amazing facts about Governor Romney that are known. Romney is known for three things: his business acumen, his political prowess, and his religious beliefs. How much more do you know about the charismatic leader who could have become the most powerful man in the world?

Do you know Mitt's full name, or what city he was born in? What was the venture capital company he founded called? What percentage of the popular vote did he obtain in his battle against President Obama? If you know all this and more, maybe you can become the leader of the free world one day? Take our quizzes now and find out.

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Test your knowledge of the Republican frontrunner's personal finances. 

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1785   |  Last updated: Mar 14, 2023
  • Sample Question
    In 2010, Mitt Romney earned as much as how many typical American households?
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