
NCLEX RN Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Get ready to test your nursing knowledge and boost your NCLEX RN exam readiness with our exciting NCLEX RN Quizzes and trivia! Nursing school may be challenging, but learning can also be fun and interactive. Whether you're a nursing student gearing up for the NCLEX RN exam or a seasoned nurse looking to refresh your skills, our quizzes and trivia are designed to engage, educate, and entertain. Our NCLEX RN Quizzes cover a wide range of topics, from essential nursing concepts to patient care scenarios. Test your clinical judgment, medical terminology, pharmacology knowledge, and more. Each quiz is carefully crafted to mimic the format of the NCLEX RN exam, helping you become familiar with the types of questions you'll encounter on test day.

But it's not just about serious study; we believe in making learning enjoyable. With our trivia questions, you can challenge your peers or have a solo brain-teasing session. Explore nursing history, famous nurses, medical breakthroughs, and fascinating healthcare facts while having a blast. Join our vibrant nursing community and share your quiz scores and trivia triumphs.

Engage in friendly competition, learn from each other, and stay motivated on your NCLEX RN journey. With our interactive quizzes and trivia, you'll not only expand your nursing knowledge but also have a great time doing it. Are you ready to ace the NCLEX RN exam and have fun along the way? Dive into our NCLEX RN Quizzes and trivia now!

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NCLEX-RN Practice 100 Questions

Questions: 100  |  Attempts: 5412   |  Last updated: Aug 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    A client has a total laryngectomy with a permanent tracheostomy. The nurse plans nutritional intake for the next 3 days. Which of the following is necessary for the nurse to consider regarding the client’s nutrition?
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Here we bring you these Insulin NCLEX quiz questions to test your knowledge. As a medical practitioner, you have to take The National Council Licensure Examination before you are allowed to practice. This particular quiz is...

Questions: 18  |  Attempts: 11213   |  Last updated: Jun 25, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Which type of insulin has ONSET: 15 minutes, PEAK: 1 hour, DURATION: 3 hours?
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NCLEX-RN 150 Practice Questions

Questions: 31  |  Attempts: 6124   |  Last updated: Sep 4, 2023
  • Sample Question
    A young adult is involved in a motorcycle accident and is brought to the emergency room. The physician diagnoses a closed head injury with suspected subdural hematoma. Although complaining of a severe headache, the client is alert and answers questions appropriately. The nurse should question which of the following orders?
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Mark the letter of the letter of choice then click on the next button. Score will be posted as soon as the you are done with the quiz. You got 30 minutes to finish the exam. Good luck!

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 23191   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    A patient tells you that her urine is starting to look discolored. If you believe this change is due to medication, which of the following patient's medication does not cause urine discoloration?
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National Council Licensure Examination is a standardized exam that each nursing body uses to determine whether or not aspiring nursing students are fit for the course. As a result, it is a good avenue to test your knowledge...

Questions: 40  |  Attempts: 36316   |  Last updated: Feb 17, 2023
  • Sample Question
    For complete set of this exam visit: RNpedia website. A nurse is reviewing a patient’s medication during shift change. Which of the following medication would be contraindicated if the patient were pregnant? Note: More than one answer may be correct.
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Mark the letter of the letter of choice then click on the next button. Score will be posted as soon as the you are done with the quiz. You got 25 minutes to finish the exam. Good luck!

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 20308   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    A patient is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism. A nurse checking the patient's lab results would expect which of the following changes in laboratory findings?
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Take this quiz to learn more NCLEX. Let's play this quiz now.

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 16575   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2023
  • Sample Question
    Which of the following clients is at highest risk for colorectal cancer?
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Mark the letter of the letter of choice then click on the next button. Score will be posted as soon as the you are done with the quiz. You got 25 minutes to finish the exam. Good luck!

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 13977   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
  • Sample Question
    A child is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of Wilm's tumor, stage II. Which of the following statements most accurately describes this stage?
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Mark the letter of the letter of choice then click on the next button. Score will be posted as soon as the you are done with the quiz. You got 25 minutes to finish the exam. Good luck!

Questions: 20  |  Attempts: 13182   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2023
  • Sample Question
    A nurse is administering IV furosemide to a patient admitted with congestive heart failure. After the infusion, which of the following symptoms is NOT expected?
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